How does deduplication work for MigrateMyCRM?

Last Updated: 06/13/23

Applies to: 

  • Users who are doing data migration between different CRMs.

Common Causes / Issues:

Handling duplicates within different CRMs during the migration.

Solutions Overview:

Explanation of the reasons for duplicates; how deduplication works; deduplication rules for different CRMs.

Tactical Rundown:

There are several reasons why duplicates may appear after completing your migration process:

  1. In your source CRM, you may have records that have the same name or email address
  2. You may have existing records in your target CRM, which have the same name or email addresses as the records in your source CRM.

    For both cases, our MigrateMyCRM migration service offers a deduplication option.

How does deduplication work?

Deduplication is the process that eliminates duplicates in your CRM platform.

Say you perform a Salesforce to HubSpot CRM migration, and there are several contacts in the source CRM that have identical email addresses with multiple opportunities and activities assigned to each.

Our MigrateMyCRM service can successfully move all related items by migrating one of the Salesforce contacts using the identical email address to the HubSpot CRM, and then assigning all items related to all contacts using the email address, to said email address.


Note: MigrateMyCRM also offers three options on how duplicates can be handled during a custom migration:

  1. A replacement strategy is used in order to substitute existing data on the target CRM with information from the source CRM.
  2. A merging strategy where duplicate information is merged into one unique record based on specific fields criteria.
  3. You can flag certain object fields which will then be checked by our data experts in order to identify duplicates and then proceed with options #1 and/or  #2, or simply preserve the existing records and assign duplicate-related records to the fields.

Deduplication rules for some CRMs:

The majority of CRMs have certain deduplication rules for importing data by API. MigrateMyCRM follows these rules during the migration process.

Here is a list of the most popular CRMs and their respective deduplication rules for importing records by API:

  • HubSpot 
    • Contacts (by “Email” field)
    • Campaigns (by “Name” field)
    • Attachments (by “Name” field)
    • Custom fields (by field name)
  • Salesforce 
    • Custom field (by field name) 
    • Tag (by “Name” field)

Accounts, Contacts, Leads, and other objects can have custom validation rules set up. 

For the standard Salesforce validation rules, click here.

Salesforce can also validate the record which is migrated as a duplicate to records in other objects. 

As an example, say you migrate a “Lead” record. Salesforce can validate the record as a duplicate to the contact according to the validation rules setup. The migration tool then skips the “Lead” record and its related data (opportunities, activities, etc) during the migration process. 

To have duplicate records migrated, make sure you`ve disabled this validation rule.

  • Vtiger 

Custom validations within this CRM can be set up using unique values in any of the following fields: 

    • Accounts
    • Contacts
    • Opportunities 
    • Activities 

If these custom validation rules are enabled in Vtiger, the migration tool considers all records with the same value in validated fields as duplicates and excludes them from the migration process. 

  • ZohoCRM 

Custom validation rules can be set up within this CRM, and you are able to define if a field is required to be unique or not for both native and custom fields. 

This feature is available for the following fields:

    • Companies
    • Contacts 
    • Opportunities
    • Activities

If custom validation is set up, and certain fields contain only unique values, the migration tool considers all records with the same value in validated fields as duplicates and excludes them from the migration process. Duplicate-related records are migrated to the existing records with unique field values in ZohoCRM.

  • BaseCRM
    • Tags (by “Name” field)
  • CapsuleCRM
    • Accounts (by “Name” field)
    • Сustom fields (by field name)
  • FreshSales 
    • Accounts (by “Name” field)
    • Contacts (by “Email” field)
  • Microsoft Dynamics 
    • Products (by “Code” field)
    • Emails (by “____MessageId” field)
  • Pipedrive
    • Users (by “Email” field)
  • ProsperWorks
    • Accounts (by “____email_domain” field)
    • Contacts (by “email” field)

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