How does MigrateMyCRM handle cases when relations between objects differ in the source and target CRM?

Last Updated: 06/13/23

Applies to: 

Migration Wizard users.

Solutions Overview:

Explanation of the 3 possible scenarios when the relations in the source and target CRMs differ, and the ways MigrateMyCRM handles such cases.

Tactical Rundown:

The functionality of your source and target CRMs will most likely differ. To eliminate discrepancies and data loss, we’ve outlined several possible scenarios along with our solutions for these scenarios. Check to see how MigrateMyCRM handles each scenario below.


Scenario 1: An object relation is required in your target CRM, but does not exist in your source CRM.

Say, you have contacts that exist without relations to companies in your source CRM, but in your target CRM – the relation between contact and company is required.

Solution: MigrateMyCRM will create a dummy company, and the contacts without a company relation will get automatically assigned to it with migration.


Scenario 2: An obligatory relation exists within your target CRM between an object you opted to migrate, and an object you skipped from the migration process.

Let's say, you have selected the “contacts” object for migration and opted out of migrating the “companies” object. However, your target CRM requires a contact-company relation.

Solution: MigrateMyCRM will create a dummy company, and contacts without a company relation will get automatically assigned to it with migration.


Scenario 3: A record in your target CRM requires a relation to an object that does not exist in your source CRM.

As an example: an opportunity-line item relation is required in your target CRM, and a line item object doesn’t exist in your source CRM.

Solution: MigrateMyCRM will create a dummy line item within your target CRM and automatically create a relation between this line item and all your migrated opportunity records with migration.

In conclusion, MigrateMyCRM utilizes the connection to the random record or the creation of a dummy record for the purpose of ensuring that required relations between objects are fulfilled, all your data is kept in place, and data loss is avoided during your migration process.

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