How to Enable Salesforce Professional API Access

Last Updated: 06/02/23

Applies to:

Salesforce Professional Edition users who would like to enable API access.

Common Causes / Issues:

The necessity to enable API for Salesforce Professional edition.

Solutions Overview:

Explanations of what needs to be done to enable Salesforce Professional API Access.

Tactical Rundown:

Salesforce Professional Edition has no available API access by default. But you can temporarily turn it on by contacting your Salesforce Account Executive and requesting that API access be provisioned as a courtesy.

You can enable your Salesforce Professional API for a maximum of two weeks.

To do that, please email Salesforce Customer Support with an answer to the following questions:

      1. Are you the System Administrator authorized on behalf of this Organization to make this request? Do you understand the implications of getting API access?
      2. What is the Organization ID (where you would like to get the API access)?
      3. How long would you like for the API access to be applied? (Maximum of two weeks)
      4. Why do you need to get an API limit access? (What is the business case?)
      5. Are you doing a data upload or data migration? Is this increase for an integration?

NOTE: It can only be requested once. Requests spanning concurrent two-week periods will not be granted.

Information to include in your request for a data upload or data migration:

  1. How many records and what objects will you upload? (What Salesforce means under "objects" check out here).
  2. What batch size is being used? (What Salesforce means under batch size check out hereTrujay's default batch size is 200).
  3. What tool will be used? (The bulk API allows us to upload 10,000 records/batch x number of batches).

Information to include in your request for an integration

  1. What specific API calls will the integration be sending, and how many?
  2. What application will be used?

After enabling API access in Salesforce, you should inform your Trujay account manager about the exact time you have your API available to set up your CRM data migration.


Still need help?

Please submit an inquiry on the contact page, email, or simply reach out to us via chat.