Test CRM environment for Sugar / Suite CRMs
Last Updated: 06/27/23
Applies to:
Users, who are doing data migration to Sugar / Suite CRMs, and don't have the installed CRM for the moment.
Solutions Overview:
Explanation of the possibility of using Trujay test CRMs for Suite and Sugar, as target systems.
Tactical Rundown:
In case you are doing a data migration from one CRM to Sugar / Suite CRM, but you don't have the active installed CRM for the moment, Trujay can provide you with the "test" CRM for such migration.
First, please connect your source CRM (let's say HubSpot), and then the target CRM (let's say, Sugar CRM):
Click on "Use Preview CRM", and "Connect":
Then you will see the that: "Connection Verified", and you can start the sample migration with the default auto-mapped fields. Or you can "Customize Mapping", adjust it, and start the sample migration afterward:
That's it!
Still need help?
Please submit an inquiry on the contact page, email support@syncmatters.com, or simply reach out to us via chat.