Overview of the Mapping step in MigrateMyCRM

Last Updated: 07/17/23

Applies to: 

  • MigrateMyCRM Users, trying to get the most from the mapping functionality.

Solutions Overview:

Explanation of the options and functions, available through the mapping functionality.

Tactical Rundown:

Label(s) Description(s)
Search Ability to search for a field
Filters Ability to filter view by selected parameters
Sort by Ability to filter by field priority (default) or field utilization
Refresh Fields Ability to pull in latest field data from source and target CRM
Unmapped Fields Ability to view all unmapped source fields and then map to target field  or create new one
Custom Fields Ability to view, create and map all custom source fields on target if the CRM's API allows for it
Note Ability to add or delete a note to the corresponding field
Test Mode Ability to preview what a mapped record will look like in the target CRM before a sample or full migration for accuracy
Save Ability to save mapping configurations
Versions Ability to switch between mapping versions
Reset Ability to reset field mapping configurations to the default settings
Get Data Examples Ability to fetch a random set of data examples for a specific field
Change Options Ability to change options related to the conversion process
Field Usage Ability to re-collect usage of the object fields
Unique Values Ability to calculate field values and convert this field to a dropdown format

Ability to provide powerful format functionality to apply toward field values during the data converting process

Import Mapping 

Ability to import mapping from the other migration to the current one 

Export Mapping

Ability to export mapping from this migration for importing to the new one in JSON-format

Clear Mapping 

Ability to remove mapping settings for the selected object

Automap Unmapped 

Ability to map fields that are not mapped using default Wizard functionality

Override fields

Ability to override fields 

Complex config

Ability to set up the complex settings for the fields in the selected object

Create Preset

Ability to create a new preset for the selected object


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